The Pet Custody Course for Divorce Professionals

Over the past 25 years, the role of companion animals in households around the world has increased significantly. Unfortunately, along with this shift there has been a corresponding rise in pet custody issues. Some Family and Animal Law firms are already reporting pet custody as a central issue in up to 50% of their cases.

Since these issues are often emotionally charged they can quickly become a contentious point of control for separating couples. And although the legal guidelines are slowly being adjusted, in most places, pets are still treated as property in court. Therefore, how these issues are handled from the beginning stages of mediation is of high importance to the people and the pets involved.

In order to address this growing need, Karis Nafte designed a three-part, five hour, pet custody course specifically targeted towards divorce professionals around the world. She delivers these online courses live throughout the year.

“Karis gave an insightful, interesting and helpful presentation on pet custody for the Kentucky Bar Association. The information that Karis shared was at once unique, important and relevant to a wide range of practice areas”.

The Kentucky Bar Association 

The pet custody course is designed for mediators, collaborative divorce professionals and lawyers who want to learn best practice for pet custody. You will learn practical tools to understand the “voice of the pet” and effectively navigate the delicate question of who keeps the dog?

The six hour course covers the following in relation to divorce and pets:

• Petnups

• Intake forms for comprehensive & useful history of pets

• Considerations for different dog breeds in divorce negotiations

• The impact of shared custody versus sole custody on dogs

• Models for shared custody plans that best suit dogs

• Best practices for transitioning to sole/shared custody + common mistakes to avoid

• Considerations for rescue dogs

• Children and pets

• Emotional support dogs

• Humanizing, weaponizing, and bargaining over pets

• Cats, parrots and other household pets

• Households with multiple pets

• Plans for a dog's end of life

Pet Custody Course Dates 2024


  • November 21st, 26th, and 28th

  • 4-6pm AEST / 2-4pm AWST


  • January 30th, February 6th, 13th

  • May 7th, 14th, 21st

  • July 31st, August 7th, 14th

  • September 3rd, 10th and 17th

  • November 21st, 26th and 28th


  • USA 9:00 am to 11:00 am PST / 12 noon to 2:00 pm EST

  • UK 5:00-7:00 pm

  • South Africa 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Cost: $695 USD

Testimonials from past graduates

  • “Karis really has mastered both the mediation world and animal behavior. She switches hats effortlessly and has produced a valuable course. In doing so, you get to enjoy her warm personality so that learning is a pleasure, not a chore. A great new tool in my toolbox.

    Laura Lorber - Mediator. California

  • "The Pet Mediation training course was so informative. Karis brought decades of knowledge to the course and presented it in a logical understandable manner. She gave us factual information, talked us through case studies and provided her “pre-mediation questionnaire” which was absolute gold. "

    Dari DeSousa, PHR
    Human Resources Consultant/Mediator. California

  • “I would recommend the Pet Custody Mediation Course in the highest terms…Karis was endlessly supportive, providing helpful resources and practical tips and guidance which built confidence amongst the class participants, whilst providing a handy reference pack for practitioners.”

    Dr Jane Bryan, Mediator, United Kingdom

  • “Karis fills the void of information regarding what happens to the family pet, from a behavioral standpoint, when there has been a separation between Owners/Guardians.”

    Marci Kraft - Child Custody Recommending Counselor / Mediator. California

  • “All of our lawyers recently had the pleasure of completing Karis’s pet custody course and we loved it!…We highly recommend this course to any family law practitioners”.

    Jane Libbis - Umbrella Family Law. Australia

  • “…Her experience as an animal behaviorist and mediator gives her valuable skills and insight. I would recommend this course to anyone involved in conflicts about animals.”

    Liz Rubenstein - Attorney & Mediator. Colorado

  • “I loved this training! Your Pet Custody Webinar was fascinating and not only will I use the information and guidance you provided in my mediation practice…”

    Carloyn Kalos - Mediator. New York

  • “Karis, I watched your webinar today at the ABA Dispute Resolution Mediation Week and it was absolutely outstanding, thank you!”

    Susan Andrews - Attorney & Mediator. Kentucky

  • “I enjoyed the webinar a great deal! Karis is an excellent presenter and the information she provided is unique and thorough.”

    Laura Dadagian-O’Rourke - Mediator. Massachusetts

  • While Arkansas still considers pets personal property, a growing number of states are beginning to take account of animals’ interests during the divorce process.

    Article by Michelle Strause for the Arkansas Bar Association on pet custody

    Read - Arkansas Bar Association article

  • Who gets the dog in Australia after a separation?

    Written by Jane Libbis Partner at Umbrella Family Law, if you live in Australia, here’s how the law currently stands.

    Jane Libbis - Law in Australia

  • Anyone who works with family pets is likely to end up with clients in the heartbreaking situation of getting a divorce and needing to decide who keeps the dog

    Read - IAABC Journal - Who keeps the dog?